Monday, August 17, 2015

Uses of SER Vs ESTAR - the difference between ser and estar

Today we are going to solve the problem of many Spanish learners , how to use these verbs correctly and how to differentiate between the two ,"Ser and Estar" Both mean "TO BE" but don't use the same meaning in grammar.

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 Uses of SER:

1. The verb ser is used to indicate a permanent or inherent characteristic of the

El terciopelo es suave.                                     Velvet is smooth.
Soy feliz. Tengo una linda familia.                 I’m a happy person. I have a nice family.
Mi abuelo es muy generoso.                          My grandfather is very generous.
El fl an es muy rico.                                         Flan is very good.

“Ser o no ser.” “To be or not to be.”

2. The verb ser is used to give information about the location of an event:

La carrera es en el autَdromo de                   The race is at the Daytona Speedway.

3. The verb ser is used to identify a noun:

Esos son los jugadores del equipo.              Those are the team’s players.
Esta es la habitaciَn de los huéspedes.          This is the guests’ room.

4. The verb ser is used to give information about a profession:
Sara es dentista.                                             Sara is a dentist.
Esos hombres son electricistas.                     Those men are electricians. 

5. The verb ser is used to provide the date:Hoy es el 14 de abril.                                    Today is April 14th.
La independencia es el 4 de julio.                 Independence Day is on July 4th.
La inauguraciَn del edifi cio es maٌana.         The inauguration of the building is tomorrow.

6. The verb ser is used to mention day and time and to ask about the time:

Hoy es sábado.                                             Today is Saturday.
؟Qué hora es ahora?                                     What time is it now?
Es la una de la tarde.                                     It is one p.m.
Son las 5 y media de la maٌana.                    It is 5:30 in the morning.

7. The verb ser is used to express the passive voice:

El francés es hablado en Haití.                      French is spoken in Haiti.

8. The verb ser is used with an adverb of time:

Es temprano para comer ahora.                   It’s early for eating now.
Es hora de recibir un aumento.                     It’s time to get a raise.

9. The verb ser is used to explain what something is made of:

Los escalones son de madera dura.            The steps are made of hard wood.
La cacerola es de acero inoxidable.           The pot is made of stainless steel.

10. The verb ser is used with impersonal expressions:

Es increíble que duermas tanto.                   It’s incredible that you sleep so much.
Fue bueno que ella alquilara la casa.            It was good that she rented the house.


Está mal que ella no responda.                     It’s bad that she is not answering.
Está bien que vosotros hayáis venido.          It’s good that you have come.

11. The verb ser is used to indicate religious :

La reina Isabel de España era católica.         Queen Elizabeth of Spain was Catholic.

Remember, the conjugation of these verbs in the present tense.

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Uses of ESTAR:

1. The verb estar is used to indicate a temporary or transitional characteristic of a

Las noches están más frescas ahora.        The evenings are cooler now.
La tenista está cansada.                           The tennis player is tired.
Estoy feliz. Vamos a viajar pronto.          I am happy. We are going to travel soon.

2. The verb estar is used to give the location of a noun:

Nuestra escuela está cerca del centro.    Our school is near the downtown area.
El perro está en la casucha.                     The dog is in the doghouse. 
Marta está en casa.                                   Marta is at home.
3. The verb estar is used in the present progressive tense to express an action in

¿Vosotros estáis esperando a los niños?   Are you waiting for the children?

4. The verb estar is used to indicate the result of an action:

Los exámenes ya están corregidos.         The exams are already corrected.

5. The verb estar is used to denote specific, temporary situations:

Mis vecinos están de fiesta.                      My neighbors have a party going on.
Martín está de vacaciones.                       Martin is on vacation.
La novia estaba de blanco.                      The bride had a white gown on 

9. The verb estar is used to express a condition contrary to what is expected:

La sopa está fría.                                    The soup is cold.
Los fi deos están duros.                         The noodles are hard.
Su hijo está más maduro.                       Their son is (has become) more mature.
¡Qué verde está el pasto!                       How green the grass is!

10. The verb estar is used to describe a position of the body:

Estamos sentados.                                 We are seated.

El gobernador está de pie.                    The governor is standing.

Nadie está parado.                                 Nobody is standing.
La enferma está recostada.                   The patient is lying down.

11. The verb estar is used to indicate a job or position occupied at a particular time:

Mi prima está de cajera en esa tienda.   My cousin works as a cashier in that store.

12. The verb estar is used to talk about the weather

Hoy está nublado.                                   Today it’s cloudy.
Hoy está precioso.                                  It’s beautiful today.

 13.The verb estar is used to ask about a price:

¿A cuánto están las rosas?                      How much are the roses?

In Conclusion:

please don´t hesitate to leave your comment , if u have any  questions .

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