Monday, August 10, 2015

Four effective tips to speak Spanish Free - best way to learn Spanish

Are you looking for the best way to learn Spanish online?.. Do you know there's more tips to learn Spanish for free? Well, u can learn Spanish by doing four effective tips to speak Spanish and like a native speaker.

Listening to anything in Spanish is the easy way to learn this language, through music CDs, audios lessons or podcasts learning. Keep in your mind at first this step will be difficult because u don't know any word or verb in Spanish, so u should Listen, listen and listen several times to be able to understand all words 
Remember, Just listening u can't learn, you should repeat aloud and in sound clear any words more than once and speak them at the mirror. Also you can use audio books and this way is very interesting because you can do this in any place and any time , while you are going to your work, school, GYM or in your trip. Doing this will help your skills in listening.

My favorite method to listen:

Bring an audio or music of your favorite 
singer, play the full audio and listen it, I think u don't understand all this words of the audio, no? Good, play again the first minute and stop. The question now: Do u understand this words? No! .Then repeat again and again until you comprehensive it. Amazing, no? Repeat this method with all audios.

You can use this site to listening audiobook

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut  !

Before this step u can use your dictionary to understand the newest words for you. At the beginning you should read in simple books like Children's books are the best way to start reading and teach new words, this books help u to know the language and their culture and discover new words to increase your vocabulary  .

Don't forget the importance of the newspapers, u can read online and this way will learn you how to write grammatically correct and know popular expressions. Also, you can use the short stories for the purpose .

My favorite way to Read:

Bring your best book or short story and your notebook, choose a page to read it. Read all the page and the difficult word mark it with a Red Color and write it in your notebook. Then use the dictionary to know the meaning of this words. Now your role is repeat this words several time and write it again in your notebook. I think with this method your vocabulary will improve if you do that 30 minutes per day.

You can use this sites to Read
Speak with native speakers is the secret of learning Spanish . Don't be ashamed to speak in public your language, Also don't be hesitated to allow Native speakers to correct your mistakes in your speaking, Remember No one knows everything in the language for that you should ask people to help you in your troubles 
Now you can use the social media to communicate with native speakers like Facebook, WhatsApp and join their groups it's very useful for you. Also u can use Skype or Viber with call videos, this very important for improve your pronunciation.

Practice, Practice and practice .. You can speak Spanish in your life, imagine your life in Spanish, your mind, your style.. Looking amazing!

If you don't practice speaking with native speakers, you won't be a native like their.

another best way to learn Spanish is Watching Spanish Movies and series, also TV Spanish.Watching Movies is a fun and better way to improve your oral comprehension.

For beginner u can watch movies with subtitles to your language, for Intermediate I recommend watching with Spanish subtitles and For advanced it's better to watch without any subtitles because you already able to understand and your skill in listing is very good so don't need subtitles.

Preferably, you should watch more than one time and first with subtitles, after that without.

Here're best links for watching Spanish series and movies

Good Luck!
Source of photos by 123rf

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