Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
How to form the Indicative and Present Tense Conjugation
The Present Indicative
The infinitive of a verb (expressed in English as to walk, to read, to write) can have oneof three possible endings in Spanish: -ar (caminar), -er (leer), or -ir (escribir). Based
on these endings, verbs are said to belong to the fi rst conjugation (-ar verbs), to the
second conjugation (-er verbs), or to the third conjugation (-ir verbs). All other verb
forms are derived from the infinitive.
In order to conjugate a verb in the present tense, that is, to assign a form for
each subject pronoun such as I [am], you [are], he [is], she [is], etc., the first step is to
eliminate the infinitive ending (terminaciَn). Th e beginning of the verb, or the stem
(raĆz), takes new endings according to the subject pronoun that performs the action
denoted by the verb.
Regular Verbs in the Present Tense
Verbs that do not change their stem are called regular verbs, while those that undergo
changes in the stem are classifi ed as irregular verbs. As for the endings, regular verbs
and most irregular verbs take the same endings in the present tense, while a few verbs
show some spelling diff erences.
The Present Tense of -ar Verbs

The endings for -ar verbs are: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -Ɣis, and -an.
Ć©l, ella,and Ud. (usted) share the same verb form in the singular, and ellos, ellas, and Uds.
(ustedes) share the same verb form in the plural.
The Present Tense of -er Verbs

The endings for -ar verbs are: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -Ć©is, and -en.
The Present Tense of -ir Verbs

Summary of verb endings in the present tense
amar (to love) am- o, as, a, amos, Ɣis, an
beber (to drink) beb- o, es, e, emos, Ć©is, en
escribir (to write) escrib- o, es, e, imos,Ćs, en
(1) Since Spanish verb endings indicate who or what the subject of the sentence
is, it is not necessary to include the personal (or subject) pronouns. When clarifi
cation is needed, as for example Ć©l or ella, ellos or ellas, nosotros or nosotras, the
subject is used.
(2) The third persons Ć©l, ella, and Ud., which are singular forms, always share
the same endings. Th is rule also applies to the third persons ellos, ellas, and Uds.,
which are plural forms.
(3) The verb form must always agree with the subject, even when the subject is
left out.
(4) When there are two verbs back to back, as in Jane wants to rest, the following
rules must be taken into consideration:
- If the second verb in English is an infi nitive, as in to rest, it is also written in Spanish as an infinitive: Jane wants to rest. Jane quiere descansar.
- If the second verb is a gerund in English, as in waiting, it is also written in Spanish as a gerund: I am waiting for the mailman. (Yo) Estoy esperando al cartero.
IRRegular Verbs in the Present Tense
Verbs considered irregular in Spanish fit into one of the following categories:
* Verbs that change a vowel into another vowel or a diphthong in the present tenseTh ese verbs are also known as stem-changing verbs. There are three main groups.
For the fi rst conjugation shown below—the conjugation of pedir (to ask for) as an
example of verbs that change e to i—we show all the personal pronouns. Notice that
ella and Ud. (usted) share the Ć©l form, and ellas and Uds. (ustedes) share the ellos
form. Also nosotras and vosotras have the same form as the masculine nosotros and
vosotros, respectively.
Verbs that change e to i in the present tense:
(1) Some of the other common verbs in this category include concebir, corregir,
elegir, medir, reĆr, seguir, sonreĆr, teٌir, vestir, as well as other verbs that contain
some of these verbs, such as conseguir, desmedirse, desteٌir, desvestirse, impedir,
reelegir, etc.
(2) Th e first vowel of the nosotros/as and vosotros/as forms does not change.
Verbs that change e to ie in the present tense:
(1) Some of the other common verbs in this category include comenzar, despertar,
divertirse, empezar, encender, entender, mentir, perder, querer, sentir, as well
as other verbs that contain some of these verbs, such as desmentir, resentir, etc.
(2) adquirir (to acquire) is an exceptional verb that changes i to ie in all persons
with the exclusion of nosotros/as and vosotros/as, which maintain the i of the
infinitive: adquiero, adquieres, adquiere, adquirimos, adquirĆs, adquieren
- Verbs that change o to ue in the present tense:
you can use this useful site to know more verbs .
please if u have any questions don´t hesitate to leave your comment, and u can share this post with your friends in your wall or groups.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Uses of SER Vs ESTAR - the difference between ser and estar
Today we are going to solve the problem of many Spanish learners , how to use these verbs correctly and how to differentiate between the two ,"Ser and Estar" Both mean "TO BE" but don't use the same meaning in grammar.
Uses of SER:
1. The verb ser is used to indicate a permanent or inherent characteristic of thenoun:
El terciopelo es suave. Velvet is smooth.
Soy feliz. Tengo una linda familia. I’m a happy person. I have a nice family.
Mi abuelo es muy generoso. My grandfather is very generous.
El fl an es muy rico. Flan is very good.
“Ser o no ser.” “To be or not to be.”
2. The verb ser is used to give information about the location of an event:
La carrera es en el autَdromo de The race is at the Daytona Speedway.
3. The verb ser is used to identify a noun:
Esos son los jugadores del equipo. Those are the team’s players.
Esta es la habitaciَn de los huĆ©spedes. This is the guests’ room.
4. The verb ser is used to give information about a profession:
Sara es dentista. Sara is a dentist.
Esos hombres son electricistas. Those men are electricians.
5. The verb ser is used to provide the date:Hoy es el 14 de abril. Today is April 14th.
La independencia es el 4 de julio. Independence Day is on July 4th.
La inauguraciَn del edifi cio es maٌana. The inauguration of the building is tomorrow.
6. The verb ser is used to mention day and time and to ask about the time:
Hoy es sƔbado. Today is Saturday.
؟QuĆ© hora es ahora? What time is it now?
Es la una de la tarde. It is one p.m.
Son las 5 y media de la maٌana. It is 5:30 in the morning.
7. The verb ser is used to express the passive voice:
El francĆ©s es hablado en HaitĆ. French is spoken in Haiti.
8. The verb ser is used with an adverb of time:
Es temprano para comer ahora. It’s early for eating now.
Es hora de recibir un aumento. It’s time to get a raise.
9. The verb ser is used to explain what something is made of:
Los escalones son de madera dura. The steps are made of hard wood.
La cacerola es de acero inoxidable. The pot is made of stainless steel.
10. The verb ser is used with impersonal expressions:
Es increĆble que duermas tanto. It’s incredible that you sleep so much.
Fue bueno que ella alquilara la casa. It was good that she rented the house.
EstĆ” mal que ella no responda. It’s bad that she is not answering.
EstĆ” bien que vosotros hayĆ”is venido. It’s good that you have come.
11. The verb ser is used to indicate religious :
La reina Isabel de EspaƱa era catĆ³lica. Queen Elizabeth of Spain was Catholic.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Four effective tips to speak Spanish Free - best way to learn Spanish
Are you looking for the best way to learn Spanish online?.. Do you know there's more tips to learn Spanish for free? Well,
u can learn Spanish by doing four effective tips to speak Spanish and like a
native speaker.
Listening to anything in Spanish is the easy
way to learn this language, through music CDs, audios lessons or podcasts
learning. Keep in your mind at first this step will be difficult because
u don't know any word or verb in Spanish, so u should
Listen, listen and listen several times to be able to understand all
Remember, Just listening u can't learn, you
should repeat aloud and in sound clear any words more than once and speak them
at the mirror. Also you can use audio books and this way is
very interesting because you can do this in any place and any time , while you are going to your work, school, GYM or in your
trip. Doing this will help your skills in listening.
My favorite method to listen:
singer, play the full audio and listen it, I think u don't understand all this
words of the audio, no? Good,
play again the first minute and stop. The question now: Do u understand this
words? No! .Then repeat again and again
until you comprehensive it. Amazing, no? Repeat this method with all audios.
You can use this site to listening audiobook
more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the
more places you'll go.”
― Dr.
Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut !
Before this step u can use your dictionary to understand the newest words for you. At the beginning you should read in simple books like Children's books are the best way to start reading and teach new words, this books help u to know the language and their culture and discover new words to increase your vocabulary .
Don't forget the importance of the newspapers, u can read online and this way will learn you how to write grammatically correct and know popular expressions. Also, you can use the short stories for the purpose .
My favorite way to Read:
Bring your best book or short story and your
notebook, choose a page to read it. Read all the page and the difficult word
mark it with a Red Color
and write it in your notebook. Then use the dictionary to know the meaning of
this words. Now your role is repeat this
words several time and write it again in your notebook. I think with this
method your vocabulary will improve if you
do that 30 minutes per day.
You can use this sites to Read
Speak with native speakers is the secret of learning Spanish . Don't be ashamed to speak in public your language, Also don't
be hesitated to allow Native speakers to correct your
mistakes in your speaking, Remember No one knows everything in the
language for that you should ask people to help you in your troubles
Now you can use the social media to communicate
with native speakers like Facebook, WhatsApp and join their groups it's very
useful for you. Also u can use Skype or Viber with call videos, this
very important for improve your pronunciation.
Practice, Practice and practice .. You can speak
Spanish in your life, imagine your life in Spanish, your mind, your style.. Looking
If you don't practice speaking with native
speakers, you won't be a native like their.
another best way to learn Spanish is Watching
Spanish Movies and series, also TV Spanish.Watching Movies is a fun and better
way to improve your oral comprehension.
For beginner u can watch movies with
subtitles to your language, for Intermediate I recommend watching with Spanish
subtitles and For advanced it's better to watch without any subtitles because
you already able to understand and your skill
in listing is very good so don't need subtitles.
Preferably, you should watch more than one
time and first with subtitles, after
that without.
Here're best links for watching Spanish
series and movies
Good Luck!
Source of photos by 123rf
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The Present Indicative The infinitive of a verb (expressed in English as to walk, to read, to write) can have one of three possible ending...
Today we are going to solve the problem of many Spanish learners , how to use these verbs correctly and how to differentiate between the ...
Are you searching for method to learn Spanish online ? Yes! Well.Nowadays, there are many people want to learn different languages, i...
Are you looking for the best way to learn Spanish online ?.. Do you know there's more tips to learn Spanish for free? Well, u ca...
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